The New Hope Growing Project, which began as The New Hope Community Garden, is embedded in the heart of the New Hope Community (Graniteville, SC) and builds around agribusiness. We encourage young people, in particular, to experience the healing qualities of the soil/land and become more self sustained by growing their own food and learning to generate agriculture related streams of income. The original Project was made possible with support from the SC Association for Community Economic Development and South Carolina Office of Rural Health. Currently Growing Project serves as "home base" for Grow Well Aiken County (GWAC) by facilitating seed propagation, support and resources for the GWAC network of community gardens and grow sites throughout Aiken County.

The purpose of Grow Well Aiken County is to reduce food insecurity, promote education and awareness of NRCS programs and services, stimulate interest in careers with the USDA, identify, motivate, encourage and build a network of new, beginning, veteran, and women farmers in Aiken County, South Carolina.
Please visit our website: www.GrowWellAikenCounty.net